Monday, December 6, 2010


WikiLeaks has published a greatest hits list for would be terrorists looking to attack installations vital to American interests. On Sunday 28th November 2010, Wikileaks began publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into the US Government's foreign activities.

I think its just a sign of freedom of speech.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The iPad: Like an iPhone, Only Bigger

The iPad features a 9.7-inch (25-centimeter) multi-touch, in-plane switching LCD display; it is half an inch (1.3 centimeters) thick and weighs 1.5 pounds (.6 kilograms). The main processor is a one-gigahertz chip made by Apple, and the device is said to come with 10 hours of battery life when in full use. Along with 802.11n wireless and Bluetooth, the iPad will connect to AT&T's 3G wireless network. But the data plan is a hybrid of what is offered for phones and laptops already. Users will be asked to pay either $14.99 a month for up to 250 megabytes of data, or $29.99 a month for unlimited data.

Hackers Take the Kinect to New Levels

Soon after Microsoft released the Kinect gaming device, hackers found a way to pull raw data out of the system, radically expanding its potential uses. Enthusiasts have used the hardware to draw 3-D doodles in the air with hand movements, to play with virtual onscreen characters, and allow a robot to recognize gestures and map its surroundings. One trouble is that unlike using a mouse, keyboard, or touch screen, there is no widely recognized (or naturally intuitive) vocabulary for gestural computing. Microsoft has developed a small number of gestures to let Kinect users navigate menus and browse media on the Xbox. "The keyboard and the mouse aren't going anywhere, but there is a lot of space for something more, and I think people are ready for that," Fritz says. One solution could be to use light projectors to create virtual objects in real space that we can interact with. Microsoft Research has already taken steps in this direction with Mobile Surface, a projector-based multitouch environment.

Electricity and Light in One Chip

IBM researchers are now making chips for tomorrow: chunks of silicon that also contain pathways for light pulses. The circuits switch information with the conventional, electronic circuits in the same chip. This could transport data inside a computer significantly faster, because light signals can transport larger quantities of data at higher speeds than conventional copper electrical wiring can.